
Due to the popularity of this site and the limited number of hours in the day, I’m afraid I cannot guarantee a prompt reply. I can only say that your e-mail will be read and I will respond as quickly as I can.

Before contacting me please make sure you have read the FAQ and Terms of Use/Privacy Policy to see if your question has already been answered.

If you would like to suggest or submit a rockumentary or music film, please include the link where the film can be watched online (and embedded in an HTML page) along with the title and/or description.

If you would like to buy a particular film, please use the links provided. If there’s no link, I’m afraid I really don’t know where you can find a copy.

If you would like to screen any of these films in front of an audience – in you community, at a theatre or cinema, at festivals or on a TV channel – please don’t ask me if you’re allowed to. I can’t say. Track down the producers and/or distributors and ask them.

If you are unable to watch a particular video, the problem is most likely your end. Thousands of people are watching these films each week without any problem whatsoever – including me. Most issues are due to browser or internet settings or lack of the required plugin software. Please read the FAQ and/or ask Google about your problem.

Please note: only individual YouTube videos, not playlists, are iPad or iPhone compatible. When YouTube / Google decide to make playlists iPad friendly, that will automatically be the case at I can’t do anything about it. Until then, I’m afraid only handful of videos can be watched on iPad or iPhone.

Finally, if you’ve read the FAQ, Terms of Use/Privacy Policy and what I’ve said above but you still want to contact me, e-mail me at this address {picture of e-mail address} or use the following form:

{contact form}